Sunday, October 25, 2015

10/25/15 11:10 am

Jack in the Box

Meal: Grilled Breakfast Sandwich Combo

The day was gray and overcast, the sun had been up for a hours but did little to cast off the gloom. My day began well before sun-up, with an unproductive morning at work that left me weary and seeking nourishment. I sought out your restaurant, hoping to fill that gaping hole of emptiness in the center of my being.

The manager was behind the register. He was prompt and efficient like a robot, an analogy made more striking by his strangely flat complexion and unblinking eyes. I made the mistake of gazing into them, and the dark soulless abyss that laid behind them. He had clearly seen sights no human should be witness to, and his very being warped like a terrible origami creation of flesh and blood.

I received my meal in due course, a dine-in meal that was delivered to me in a paper bag. I took this as a slight suggestion from the manager I should be gone, I had looked far too much into him and saw the horrible truths of his existence.

Either that, or if the young woman bagging it didn't really pay a great deal of attention.